Organic Calendula Flower
Botanical Name: Calendula Flowers (Calendula Officinalis) Country: Egypt
Organic Calendula Flowers heal wounds and skin irritations. When the flowers are infused into a carrier oil such as jojoba or olive oil it produces a very gentle, soothing, and healing oil that is perfect for cradle cap, diaper rash, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, and sore or inflamed muscles.
Naturopathic Applications:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-microbial
- Astringent
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-viral
- Immune stimulant
- Effectively treats minor wounds
- Chapped skin
- Bruises
- Burns
- Athlete’s foot
- Bee-stings
- Diaper rash
- Minimizes scarring
- Stretch marks
- Kid safe
How to Use
Properties: Promotes quick scar-free healing, stanch bleeding, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibiotic
Uses: Topical applications, infused oils, healing salves, tincture, tea, lip balm
Caution: Calendula should not be used internally during pregnancy as it stimulates menstruation. Using it externally as a salve or massage oil is fine and will relieve lymph congestion, decrease stretch marks, and ease breast soreness
Storage: Store in a cool, dark place.
Organic Calendula Flowers - Royal Reserve - Loveland Apothecary
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.